this week i

published a little something about the health insurance coverage of small business owners.

immediately unwrapped the new rmonetdb and sqlsurvey packages written by dr. thomas lumley.  just like christmas morning.  he thanked me in his announcement of the release, but he'd done all the work so far.  time to convert the larger survey data sets in usgsd to monetdb.  latest progress on this new development branch.

visited the embassy of kazakhstan with morgan.  morgan friend profile - level of friendship: best friend.  frequency of hanging out: not enough.  hair: red.  permasmile: yes.  traditional kazakhi outfits in current wardrobe: zero.

biked to baltimore n back.  100 miles in all.

drank coffee in business backyards.

cheered on the ravens w purple pup paint.

walked on water.  kinda.


smiled.  sometimes it's easy.

concede new york may be the greatest city on earth, but baltimore's clearly the greatest in america..

..and hey look what we found on the sidewalk.
