celebrated mexico's 200th.
immersed in fireworks.
ate famous desserts in front of famous buildings..
..freshly made, of course.
adore mexican fashion.
stood at attention.
lived on street food for a few days.
dressed up.
blocked the sun.
downed a quick snack..
..before the parade.
waved to the girls.
missed the memo to build your own periscope. most of these had a 'telescoping' feature, tambien.
snapped some photos.
shared the view.
stood en pointe to glimpse..
accompanying airshows
would like to tell you why a mexican celebration is as good as any..
..and street performers garner the attention they deserve.
don't understand everything, but it's beautiful anyways. and hey, they have bikeshare.
agree with woody allen that 80% of success in life is just showing up.
read the spirit catches you and you fall down, a hipaa-violating story about immigrant cultural conflict with western medicine.
what is a good doctor?
hmong epileptics often become shamans
ten-year-old girls have had to translate discussions of whether or not a dying family member should be resuscitated..sometimes not even a child is available..i asked one doctor what he did in such cases. he said, 'practice veterinary medicine.'
if you want to know what a five-minute seizure is like, go stick your head in a bucket of water for five minutes and take some deep breaths.
'parents may be free to become martyrs themselves,' wrote justice robert jackson in a 1943 supreme court decision. 'but it does not follow that they are free, in identical circumstances, to make martyrs of their children.'
consensual reality is better than facts
the hmong have a phrase..which means that the truth will eventually come to light. literally, it means 'feces will be excreted.'
hmong epileptics often become shamans
ten-year-old girls have had to translate discussions of whether or not a dying family member should be resuscitated..sometimes not even a child is available..i asked one doctor what he did in such cases. he said, 'practice veterinary medicine.'
if you want to know what a five-minute seizure is like, go stick your head in a bucket of water for five minutes and take some deep breaths.
'parents may be free to become martyrs themselves,' wrote justice robert jackson in a 1943 supreme court decision. 'but it does not follow that they are free, in identical circumstances, to make martyrs of their children.'
consensual reality is better than facts
the hmong have a phrase..which means that the truth will eventually come to light. literally, it means 'feces will be excreted.'