this week i

voted against berlusconi.

haven't settled on a dream home, but there's a projector in it somewhere.

moved the national longitudinal surveys back into the green column, then revised the user-edit button post-processing.

spent the night out.  divorcee, taller than me, lots of laughter.  thick red lipstick and i asked her to wash it off, she did.  she tried on a yellow dress, then pink.  i said yellow and she overruled.  when your date knows a city better than you, you become lorraine bracco during the courtship scenes.


this week i

boiled eight kettles to fill ten-liters to bathe with warm water.

caption: can't wait for the omelette.  murder on the orient eggspress.

read about owls - owls have the night pretty much to themselves, as far as birds are concerned - and the life of robert b silversa very broad church with a narrow entrance marked: if it's good.


this week i

wonder if typo or nae nae.

ate sandwiches wrapped in italian giornale.  delicious because extra msg.

slept in saly.


this week i

published on medicare out-of-pocket spending and health coverage by race and ethnicity.

ate some fish, drank some whiskey.

 run past corniche ouest each morning.  dakar's public exercise equipment looks like someone got their hands on a simcity cheat code.

 hopped in a share taxi to thies pronounced chess.  that tuareg in front of us doesn't look berber..

..oh look, the romneys!

walked around the dusty little city for five hours.  nothing there.  back by sunset.
