this week i

lost robert krughoff, a man that built a good thing, offered me the first job of my forever career, and vandalized city property with sports equipment

wonder if the paleobiology that dinosaurs did not breathe fire is settled knowledge or if still some room for debate.  one ai use for good: "hey tiktok, write an essay on what [[the field of paleoecology]] might teach us about mitigating or adapting to the effects of [[the current climate crisis]]"


know i'm proficient in modern glyph by effortlessly inventing the handwave emoji plus the peach emoji spank emoji but after searching learned the kneeling person emoji plus the cricket paddle emoji does also convey the pointfrom the marshmallow bag:  if the police had seen that man raise his lungi and flash your sister, what would have happened?  //  oh thank you sir for showing me your asshole, now i can put the gun right in there 

remember mr. davidson's choir class placard: the floggings will continue until morale improves.  in their india phase, the beatles should have sung happiness is a warm naan.  scooby dooby doo to zou bisou bisou.  why don't you sing like that? // why don't you look like him? 

drank two halda valley welcome teas, two more from the menu, ate four cookies, leafed through the photobook rhythm in khajuraho by ashok khanna

read the columbian exchange: biological and cultural consequences of 1492 by alfred w. crosby jr.  the roman empire had no tomatoes

good questions are harder to come by than good answers

chinese peasants eating corn on the cob

a snake with a castanet on his tail..whose bite left the victim with enough time for his last confession

southern america, with its..monkeys with prehensile tails

pliny's natural history contains thirty-seven books, and yet he did not mention the llama in any of them

not until the geologist sir charles lyell published his work in the 1830s did man really begin to know how old the world is, and how long natural forces have had to mold life into different forms

the climate of siberia, the land bridge, and alaska screened out many diseases

when in 1707 smallpox first appeared in iceland, in two years 18,000 out of the island's 50,000 inhabitants died of it

had there been no epidemic, the aztecs, their war-making potential unimpaired and their warriors fired with victory, could have pursued the spaniards, and cortes might have ended his life spread-eagled beneath the obsidian blade of a priest of huitzilopochtli

the year of the first peruvian vintage was 1551

kentucky bluegrass, daisies, and dandelions, to name only three out of hundreds, are old world in origin

one who watched the caribbean islands from outer space during the years from 1492 to 1550 or so might have surmised that the object of the game going on there was to replace the people with pigs, dogs and cattle

the iberians of all classes were more accustomed to viewing the world from horseback and more skilled as riders than any other european people with easy access to the atlantic.  the languages of western europe confirm this: caballero means knight, nobleman, rider, horseman, gentleman, sir or mister; chevalier, from the other side of the pyrenees, also means knight or nobleman, but cannot be so easily stretched to also mean rider or mister

who can imagine rural latin america without the burro?

the history of the camel of colonial peru is only sixty years long.  the last one of these unassimilable immigrants died in 1615

no device for turning grass into food

according to the logic of the time, god always arranges for a disease and its remedy to originate in the same locality

although mercury remained the only effective means of treating the pox for several hundred years, patients from london to canton were inclined to agree with the scot whose unintentional slip of the pen rendered its name "quack-silver"

the fuggers of augsburg, the greatest banking family of the day

it is certainly true that world population growth began to accelerate generations before the engine - steam, gasoline, or other fuel - replaced human and animal muscle in transportation

