this week i

bought a condo.  still a studio, two blocks from my old apartment, nothing much changes.  emma's reaction to the news (from nairobi) was my favorite, "omg omg omg i am working on something i will call soon one of our vehicles hijacked have to fix it then will call omg omg omg."

moved in.  nothing says home like a custom return address stamp.

now know what all my stuff looks like.

was a member of this group until it disbanded.

ate at the atlas room with max, my career doppelganger in housing policy.

spent three hours commuting to and from baltimore for two hours with these guys.  worth it.

accidentally walked past an occupy protest.  americans at their best.

cooked a lot of this.

walked to the mall at dusk.. see the moon up close.

listened to jazz, one more saturday night.

love colombia with good reason.
